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Writing this from underneath a mountain of clothes - it's only days until my trip begins, and I've yet to pack a single suitcase.

This post has no real relevance other than to introduce myself and my blog, which I'm hoping will be updated as often as possible while I'm abroad. I never thought I'd get the opportunity to travel for an extended period of time whilst in college - the thought of leaving DC for an entire semester was sort of gutting, so I never even applied - but when I heard about summer programs, I was totally sold.

I can't promise this site will be more than a place to keep some of my thoughts and photographs (I plan to put in enough effort to make it worthwhile, but not enough to justify buying a domain name and getting rid of the little "Make Your Own Wix Site!" ads). I do hope that it will be a good way to document my trip so that I can remember each and every moment. Plus, the extra outlet means a place for all the photos that never get the chance to spam your Instagram feeds.

On that note, back to (pretending to) pack. Next time I post, I will be far from New Jersey and close to the start of my adventure.

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